1. veljače 2017.
Radionice koncentracije, učenja i pamćenja za djecu od 5. do 6. razreda
24. ožujka 2017.U našem centru od ove godine nudimo i tečajeve hrvatskog kao stranog jezika. Upisati se možete ili na grupni tečaj ili na individualni tečaj hrvatskog kao stranog jezika. Sve naše grupe su malene i broje maksimalno 6 do 7 polaznika što omogućuje kvalitetan rad. Ako vam ne odgovara dinamika grupe, onda su za vas individualni tečajevi. Individualni tečajevi praktični su za polaznike koji imaju ograničeno vrijeme za učenje jezika. Ne morate se prilagođavati terminima grupe već s profesoricom dogovarate termine koji vama najviše odgovaraju. Sve naše profesorice govore engleski ili njemački tako da se ne morate brinuti kako ćete komunicirati u početku, dok ne savladate osnove hrvatskog jezika.
Individualna nastava obično se odvija u blok-satovima od po 90 minuta. Cijena jednog školskog sata izn osi 150 kuna, odnosno 300 kn za blok-sat (približno 40 eura).
Za sve informacije obratite nam se na brojeve telefona 051/587775, 095/ 233 5001 ili 091/497 5897 te na e-mail: info@omnia-jezici.com
At our language centre you can study Croatian as a second or foreign language. You can either enroll in a group course where you will study Croatian in small groups with up to 6 students or you can sign up for one-on-one lessons with one of our teachers. All our teachers are proficient in English or German so you don’t have to worry about the initial communication.
Our ono-on-one courses are ideally suited for people who have limited time available to study Croatian and need to focus on personal learning objectives, want to focus their learning on a specialised subject area such as business, marketing or tourism, would like assistance preparing for business presentations, negotiations or meetings, or to develop key skills such as making phone calls, business correspondence and report writing or for the people who just want to improve their confidence in using their Croatian language skills.
One-to-one courses can start at any time during the whole year and are suitable for all levels from beginner to proficiency. Students set appointments with their teacher at times which suit them most and study at their own pace. At the end of the course our language centre will provide you with the end of course certificate.
The lessons are usually 90 minutes long and the price for 90 minutes is 300 kn or approximately 40 Euros.
telephone: 051/587775, 095/ 233 5001, 091/497 5897
e-mail: info@omnia-jezici.com